All amplification accessories, microphones, mixers,
etc., must be properly grounded and should be
utilized with a 3-wire mains system in order to
prevent electrical shock.
Do not come into contact with other electrical
apparatus when playing (or touching) your
instrument. The metal parts of this instrument are
grounded according to proper and accepted
industry practice, but it is possible to encounter an
electrical shock when coming into contact with
another electrical apparatus if it has improper
grounding facilities.
Do not use improper or poorly designed guitar
straps or other means of support. Possible injury
could result if improper, inferior, ill-fitting, or worn
out straps are used. The instrument could possibly
fall, causing bodily injury or damage to the
instrument or associated equipment if the holding
devices fail for any reason.
Guitar strings are made from very strong steel
alloys and are under considerable tension when
tuned to pitch. Exercise extreme care when tuning
(especially above concert pitch) or when employing
string bending or "popping" playing techniques. The
possibility of string breakage and personal injury
exists under these conditions.
TThhee ppaattcchh ccoorrdd bbeettwweeeenn tthhee gguuiittaarr aanndd tthhee
aammpplliiffiieerr iiss aann eexxttrreemmeellyy iimmppoorrttaanntt lliinnkk ffoorr
ooppttiimmuumm ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee.. AA hhiigghh--qquuaalliittyy,, wweellll--
sshhiieellddeedd ccoorrdd sshhoouulldd bbee uusseedd iinn tthhiiss aapppplliiccaattiioonn..