Error Message and Details (for Windows)
Title Message Detail
Cannot find the EXE file_I1 Cannot find the EXE file. Restart the application.
Cannot find the UpdateFile_I4 Cannot find the update file or update file is not correct.
Download the file and update again.
Cannot connect to the MIXER_I5 Failed connection with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Cannot find the Network Interface_I6
Cannot find the network setting to connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Formatting Error
Cannot find the Network Interface_I9
Cannot find network interface to connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Cannot connect the MIXER_C1 Could not connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Cannot connect the MIXER_C2 Could not connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Connection Error
Cannot send the update data_C4 Failed data transfer to mixer.
Stand up mixer again by update mode and restart the application.
Cannot find the UpdateFile_S1 Cannot find the update file.
Download the file and update again.
Cannot find the UpdateFile_S2 Failed data transfer to mixer. The file might have a problem.
Stand up mixer again by update mode and restart the application.
Data Transfer Error
Cannot find the UpdateFile_S3 Failed data transfer to mixer.
Stand up mixer again by update mode and restart the application.
Error Message and Details (for Mac)
Title Message Detail
Cannot find the EXE file_I2 Cannot find the EXE file. Restart the application.
Cannot find the EXE file_I3 Cannot find the EXE file. Restart the application.
Cannot find the UpdateFile_I4 Cannot find the update file or update file is not correct.
Download the file and update again.
Cannot get the Host name_I7 Cannot get the host name.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Cannot get the IP Address_I8 Cannot get IP address.
Check the status of network and restart application.
Formatting Error
Cannot find the Network Interface_I9
Cannot find network I/F to connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Cannot connect the MIXER_C1 Could not connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Cannot connect the MIXER_C2 Could not connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Cannot connect the MIXER_C3 Could not connect with mixer.
Check the status of network and restart the application.
Connection Error
Cannot send the update data_C4 Failed data transfer to mixer.
Stand up mixer again by update mode and restart the application.
Cannot find the UpdateFile_S1 Cannot find the update file.
Download the file and update again.
Cannot find the UpdateFile_S2 Failed data transfer to mixer. The file might have a problem.
Stand up mixer again by update mode and restart the application.
Data Transfer Error
Cannot find the UpdateFile_S3 Failed data transfer to mixer.
Stand up mixer again by update mode and restart the application.