MX10 Page 19
❒ 125. Install J6, a 3.5mm mono microphone jack. (Identified by only three
mounting pins instead of five) Note that they don’t fit exactly in the holes
since a better jack was ordered that the one the kit was originally
designed for.
❒ 126. Install J5, a 3.5mm mono microphone jack.
We have just completed this entire side of the PC board and now we are
ready to begin working on the other side of the board. Flip the board over and
notice where all of the controls are to go. Notice that the pins on the slider
pots are arranged so that the sliders can only be installed in one direction.
Again we will start with the lower and smaller components and then work our
way up.
The next few steps concerning the installation of the LEDs for the meters and
the microphone in indicators are a little different than usual. Instead of
installing one part at a time, we will be installing in groups. This will make for
easier installation.
❒ 127. For height reference we want to install S4, a DPDT board mount
slide switch. Make sure and mount the part flush and level to the board.
❒ 128. Install S3, another DPDT board mount slide switch. Again make sure
it is mounted flush to the PC board.
Notice how the LEDs for the bargraph are laid out in groups of color. We have
two rows of three green LEDs on the left, two rows of four yellow ones in the
middle, and two rows of red on the right. When the LEDs are installed, the top
of the LED should be at the same height as the surface of the switch plate (not
the switch handle).
❒ 129. We will begin by installing just the left most green LEDs to get a good
height reference for the rest of the LEDs (D4 and D18). Notice how one
lead of the LEDs are longer than the other. This longer lead indicates the
anode side of the LED. The anode side of all the LEDs in the meter face
away from the switches we have just installed. They are represented by
the triangle in the circuit board layout, not the line end of the LEDs. To
help you level the LEDs, there is an aluminum spacer included to place
under the LEDs while mounting them. Use the spacer between the leads
of the LEDs, then remove it once the LEDs are all installed.
❒ 130. Install the next two green LEDs. (D7 and D20) Make sure you install
them with the long leads facing away from the switches.
❒ 131. Install the last of the green LEDs (D9 and D21). Again check for
where the long leads go.
❒ 132. Install the first two yellow LEDs just to the right of the last green
ones. (D10 and D22). Make sure the long leads are facing away from S3