PA-1 • 9
❒ 11a. Using the #18 enameled wire, wind a 5-turn coil for L3. The inside
diameter is also 1/4", the turns should be close-wound, and the ends
should be 1/4-inch long. Using a small knife or sandpaper, scrape the
insulation from each end, tin the bare ends with solder, and gently bend the
ends as needed so the coil sits in its position correctly and neatly.
❒ 11b. Install L3.
❒ 12a. The RF choke consists of a ferrite bead with 6 holes. It is easily
made by passing or "lacing" 5 turns of the #24 bare wire through its holes.
This will fill 5 holes with a lead coming out at each end. (Note that trying to
fill the 6th hole would cause both wire ends to come out of the same end of
the ferrite bead.) Trim the ends to 1/4" and bend as needed for neat
❒ 12b. Install the RF choke.
❒ 13. Install bypass capacitor C7, .01 uf (marked .01 or 103 or 10 nf) from
the DC voltage pad to the ground plane.
The RF Power Transistor MUST be mounted to its heatsink (usually the metal
case enclosure) B-E-F-O-R-E it is soldered to the circuit board. This is
necessary for the sake of your investment as well as the health of the
transistor. It is VERY easy to crack the transistor's case and break off the leads
if you attempt to tighten the nut AFTER soldering. As has been explained,
Ramsey Electronics' warranty on this transistor covers ONLY fresh, non-
soldered units which prove to be electrically defective before any installation
So...NOW is the time to decide how you are going to enclose your PA1. If that
decision is still to come and you wish to experiment with the performance of the
PA1 before designing a finished accessory such a "docking booster", then
L3 side view
L3 to