
Miscellaneous functions | Parameter list
FR-7b/FR-5b V-Accordion
Parameter list
BALANCE The default value corresponds to the current physical position of potentiometer. The central position is 0. The values
range from 0 to 64 regardless of whether the arrow symbol indicates BASS or TREBLE.
REVERB The default value corresponds to the current physical position of potentiometer. Range: 0~127
CHORUS The default value corresponds to the current physical position of potentiometer. Range: 0~127
DELAY The default value corresponds to the current physical position of potentiometer. Range: 0~127
FULL MODE MENU (all parameters)
1.1 Master Tune* Value 415.3Hz~440.0Hz~466.2Hz
1.2 Transpose Value F# -6, G -5, Ab -4, A -3, Bb -2, B -1, C 0, C#1, D2, Eb3, E4, F5
1.3 Scale* Type Equal (Off), User 1, User 2, User 3, Arabic1, Arabic2, Just Major, Just Minor, Pythagorean,
Mean-Tone, Werckmeister, Kirnberger
Key C, C#, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B
1.4 Scale Edit* Type User 1, User 2, User 3
Tune Note C, C#, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B
Tune Value -64~0~63 for each note
1.5 Scale Assign* Part Treble, Orchestra, Treb&Orch, Bass&Chord, ALL
2.1 Reed Type Foot ALL, 16', 8', 8'-, 8'+, 4', 5-1/3', 2-2/3'
Type Bandoneon, I-Folk, I-Folk2, Classic, Cajun, Jazz, F-Folk, D-Folk, Organetto, F-Folk2, Classic2, Studio,
Tradition, Steierische, OldItaly, TexMex, Trikitixa
2.2 Register Foot 16', 8', 8'-, 8'+, 4', 5-1/3', 2-2/3'
Status Off, On, On-Cassotto
2.3 Reed Volume Value ALL, 16', 8', 8'-, 8'+, 4', 5-1/3', 2-2/3'
Level Off, –40~Std~40
2.4 Treble Octave Value -1, 0, 1
2.5 Valve Noise Type Bandoneon, I-Folk, I-Folk2, Classic, Cajun, Jazz, F-Folk, D-Folk, Organetto, F-Folk2, Classic2, Studio,
Tradition, Steierische, OldItaly, TexMex, Trikitixa
Level Off, -40~Std~40
2.6 Musette Detune Type Off, Dry, Classic, F-Folk, American_L, American_H, North_Eur, German_L, D-Folk_L, Italian_L,
German_H, Alpine, Italian_H, D-Folk_H, French, Scottish
2.7 Bellows Detune Type Off, Low, Standard, High
2.8 Reverb Send Level 0~127
2.9 Chorus Send Level 0~127
2.10 Delay Send Level 0~127
2.11 Aftertouch Pitch Mode Off, 1/4 Down, 1/2 Down, 1/4 Up, 1/2 Up Pitch
2.12 Bass Link Bass No Link, Bass 1~Bass 7, Free 1~Free 7
Orc.Bass No Link, Acoustic, Bowed, Fingered, Fretless, Picked, Tuba, TubaMix
2.13 Orchestra Link Register No Link, 1A Trombone, 1B Trumpet, 2A TenorSax, 2B AltoSax, 3A Clarinet, 3B Oboe, 4A Harmonica,
4B MuteHarm, 5A Violin, 5B Pizzicato, 6A Flute, 6B PanFlute, 7A HighLand, 7B Zampogna,
8A PercOrgan, 8B JazzOrgan, 9A RotOrgan, 9B TremOrg, 10 ScatVoice, 11 Mandolin, 12 AcGuitar,
13 AcPiano
Mode ----, Solo, Dual, Low, High, Solo M, Dual M, Low M, High M
2.14 Orchestra Chord Link Chord No Link, CHD-Trombone, CHD-TenorSax, CHD-Clarinet, CHD-TremOrg, CHD-Voice, CHD-AcGuitar,
CHD-Ac Piano
FreeBS No Link, FBS-Trombone, FBS-Clarinet, FBS-Oboe, FBS-Flute, FBS-PercOrgan, FBS-AcGuitar,
2.15 Treble MIDI TX Message & value Note [On, Off], Octave [-3~0~3], CC 00 [Std, Off, 0~127], CC 32 [Std, Off, 0~127],
PC [Std, Off, 1~128], Volume [Off, 0~127], Panpot [Off, 0~127], Reverb [Off, 0~127],
Chorus [Off, 0~127], Velocity [On, 1~127], Express [Off, Bellows, Pedal], AfterT. [On, Off]