
3.1 Reed Type
(10) Press the [MENU÷WRITE] button to save your
changes. The display briefly shows a confirmation:
(11) Press the [EXIT÷JUMP] button to return to the Main
Note: See pages 39 and 41 for how to select and adjust the
parameters below.
3.1 Reed Type
This parameter allows you to
transform the selected register
into a different instrument, and
assign different sounds to each
reed the register plays. See
“2.1 Reed Type” on p. 45 for a discussion of the possibil-
ities and the aspects you need to pay attention to. Bear
in mind, however, that the parameter on this page
applies to the selected Bass register.
If necessary, press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select
the “FOOT” parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER]
knob to select the reed you wish to assign another
sound to.
The options are: ALL, 16’, 8’, 8’-4’, 4’, 2’
Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “TYPE”
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to
select a type (“instrument”).
The TYPE options are: Bandoneon, I-Folk, I-Folk2,
Classic, Cajun, Jazz, F-Folk, D-Folk, Organetto, F-Folk2,
Classic2, Studio, Tradition, Steierische, Trikitixa
To save time while changing the TYPE of one or sev-
eral reeds, you could proceed as follows: suppose all
reeds are currently set to the wrong TYPE and you
want to use 16’, 8’ and 4’ as “Bandoneon”. In that
case, set FOOT to “ALL” and TYPE to “Bandoneon”.
Next, use STATUS on the “Register” page to switch off
the reeds you do not need.
3.2 Register
The parameters on this page are
used in combination with the
parameters above. Here, you
decide which reeds should be
audible and how they should be
played. It is therefore on this page that you specify
whether the sounds you selected above will be used.
If necessary, press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select
the “FOOT” parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER]
knob to select the desired reed.
The options are: 16’, 8’, 8’-4’, 4’, 2’
Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “STATUS”
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to
specify whether the selected reed should sound and
whether you can or cannot use it to play chords.
The STATUS options are: Off, Bass, Chord,
Bass&Chord. The available options depend on the
selected footage, however:
Note: You cannot assign “Bass&Chord” to “8-4”, or “Chord” to
“2”. All reeds (16 & 8 for the bass, 8-4, 4 & 2 for the chords)
must use the same assignment. If you select “Bass&Chord” for
“4” and then set “2” to “Chord”, “4” automatically switches to
“Chord” (the last selection you make is adopted by all reeds of
the same “yes” group). You can, however, select “Off” for each
reed individually.
Note: Whenever you select “ALL” and set a different reed type,
the “3.4 Button Noise” and “3.5 Reed Growl” settings are auto-
matically adapted to the reed type you select here. You may
have to change those settings afterwards if you wish to use
different noise type.
3.3 Reed Volume
(Off, –40~“Std”~40, Default set-
ting: Std) This is the last param-
eter that can be set for each
reed individually. It allows you
to create the desired “mix” (vol-
ume balance) for the active reeds (see the “Register”
This is a relative parameter, which means that its value
is added to or subtracted from the standard value
(“Std”). As a rule, it would be wise to decide which reed
is most important and set its Volume parameter to
“Std”. Then reduce or increase the volume of the “ancil-
lary” reeds to create the desired balance.
Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “FOOT”
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to
select the reed whose volume you want to set.
The options are: ALL (all reeds simultaneously), 16’, 8’,
8’-4’, 4’, 2’
Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select the “LEVEL”
parameter, then rotate the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to set
the volume.
Note: The overall volume of the Bass section (all registers) can be
changed using the [BALANCE] knob.
3.4 Button Noise
The bass section of almost all
accordion instruments can be
played via buttons. Such but-
tons produce a typical noise
when pressed. On this page, you
can specify the instrument whose button noises should
be used when you select this register while playing.
(Note that other Bass registers can be assigned differ-
ent noises.)
There is only one TYPE for the entire register (i.e. all 5
reeds). The options are: Bandoneon, I-Folk, I-Folk2, Clas-
sic, Cajun, Jazz, F-Folk, D-Folk, Organetto, F-Folk2,
Classic2, Studio, Tradition, Steierische, Trikitixa.
16 8 8-4 4 2
Off yes yes yes yes yes
Chord no no yes yes yes
Bass yes yes no no no
Bass&Chord no no yes yes yes