Graphite 25 · USB/MIDI Keyboard Controller
Trigger Pads
The keyboard features four assignable velocity-sensitive trigger pads with aftertouch. The
factory setting for the trigger pads is to function as drum pads. When you strike a pad, a cor-
responding icon will appear, and its note MIDI message will be transmitted on channel 10. The
pad number and the velocity curve number will be shown in the Operation and Data area of
the display and the port, channel, pad type, pad mode and note number information will be
shown under their respective tags. When you continuously press a pad, it will send a channel
aftertouch message, depending on how hard it is pressed.
The pads are congured to two pad banks with dierent settings for each pad, for a total of
eight individual pads. Press the PAD A/B button to switch between the two banks. The active
bank will be shown on the display. The factory default settings for pads are listed in the “Facto-
ry Default Settings” on page 31. You can select the pad velocity curve, change parameters,
or assign other controls to pads in Setup Mode.
Setting the Channel, Program, MSB, LSB and Port for the Keyboard
Some parameters can be edited from Performance Mode. Press the PAGE ◀ / ▶ buttons to
cycle through the parameters. Use the DATA +/– buttons to edit data. The edited data in the
rst row of the display will ash. When you have completed making your changes for all items,
press the ENTER button to conrm and transmit them together. To cancel your changes, press
the MAIN button. All data will be recovered to its original value.
Please see the table below for details on the adjustable parameters.
Tag Description Range Factory default setting
Program Program number 0–127 0
MSB Most Signicant Bit of program bank for keyboard playing 0–127 0
LSB Least Signicant Bit of program bank for keyboard playing 0–127 0
Port Transmitting port 1–5 1
Ch Transmitting channel 1–16 1
Performance Mode Parameters