Creating Packet Filters 12-19
Table 12-6 Packet Filter Editor Commands
Command Keys Description
List buffer Ctrl+l Displays each of the lines in the editing buffer and then redisplays the line currently
being edited
Next Line Ctrl+n Moves cursor to next line; positions cursor at start of line
Previous Line Ctrl+p Moves cursor to previous line; positions cursor at start of line
Start of Line Ctrl+a Moves cursor within a line to the start of the present line
End of Line Ctrl+e Moves cursor within a line to the end of the present line
Left 1 Character Ctrl+b Moves cursor left one character within a line
Right 1 Character Ctrl+f Moves cursor right one character within a line
Insert Line Enter Inserts a new line. The new line becomes the current line, with the cursor positioned at
the start. If the cursor is positioned over the first character on a line when you press
Enter, a blank new line is inserted prior to the current line. Otherwise, the current line is
split at the cursor position, with the current line retaining the characters before the
cursor, followed by the new line containing the remainder of the characters.
Delete Previous
Ctrl+h Deletes a single character preceding the cursor and shifts the remainder of the line left
one position
Delete Current
Ctrl+d Deletes a single character under the cursor and shifts the remainder of the line left one
Delete Line Ctrl+k Deletes the remainder of the line from the current cursor position. If the cursor is
positioned over the first character, all of the characters on the line are deleted, but the
line is retained. A second Delete Line command removes the line from the edit buffer.
Ctrl+o Toggles between the insert mode and overstrike mode
Write Changes Ctrl+w Writes (saves) the current contents of the edit buffer into the packet filter definition. No
syntax checking of the definition is performed at this point other than to verify that the
length of the source is within the maximum limits. If the source is too long, the message
Error: Edit buffer exceeds maximum length is displayed. The
contents of the edit buffer are unaffected; however, the packet filter definition contains
only those lines that fit entirely within the length limitation.
Exit Editor ESC Allows you to leave the editor. You receive a warning if the edit buffer has not been
successfully written since the last modification. You can either discard the changes or
return to the editor. Note that only those changes made since the last Write Changes
command are discarded.