Setting Up SNMP on Your System 3-19
Flushing Trap Destinations
When flushing the SNMP trap reporting destinations, you remove all trap
destination address information for the SNMP agent.
To flush all SNMP trap reporting destinations:
1 From the top level of the Administration Console, enter:
snmp trap flush
You receive the following prompt:
Are you sure? (n/y) [y]:
2 Enter y (yes) or n (no) at the prompt.
If you enter
y, the addresses are immediately flushed. If you enter n, you
return to the previous menu.
Setting Up SMT Event Proxying
FDDI SMT events, which occur on the FDDI ring, can be reported to stations
through the Status Report Protocol. Several SNMP traps, defined in the
LANplex Optional FDDI MIB, correspond to some of these events and
conditions. If you want your Switch 2200 to report remote SMT events as
SNMP traps, you must enable proxying of remote SMT events in that Switch
2200 system.
Local SMT events are automatically reported by the SNMP agent in a Switch
2200 system.
If you have a single Switch 2200 on your network and you have no other
way to access FDDI information, then you should enable proxying of SMT
events. This configuration provides access to the events occurring locally on
the Switch 2200 and to those reported by other stations on the FDDI ring.
If you have multiple Switch 2200s on your FDDI network all reporting to the
same SNMP management station, then you can do one of the following:
■ On only one Switch 2200, 1) enable local SNMP traps as described in the
“Configuring Trap Reporting” on page 3-17 and 2) enable proxying
of remote SMT events. On all other Switch 2200s in your network,
1) disable proxying of remote SMT events and 2) enable only SNMP traps
that are not SMT-related. SMT-related traps include all of those in the
LANplex Optional FDDI MIB. This configuration provides access to the events
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