
Administering FDDI Paths 8-7
3 Enter the path (p = primary, s = secondary).
See the following example of path information:
Table 8-3 describes these statistics.
The tvxLowerBound attribute specifies the minimum time value of fddiMAC
TvxValue that will be used by any MAC that is configured onto this path. A
MAC uses its valid transmission timer (TVX) to detect and recover from
certain ring errors. If a valid frame has not passed through a MAC during the
time indicated by fddiMACTvxValue, the MAC reinitializes the ring.
By adjusting the tvxLowerBound value, you specify how quickly the ring
recovers from an error. The lower you set this value, the faster the network
reacts to problems, but the ring might be reinitialized when there is no
problem. The higher you set this value, the less chance of frequent
reinitializations, but the network will take longer to recover from errors.
stn path ringLatency traceStatus
1 primary 16 0x0
1 secondary 16 0x0
1 local 0 0x0
stn path tvxLowBound tMaxLowBound maxTReq
1 primary 2500 us 165000 us 165000 us
1 secondary 2500 us 165000 us 165000 us
1 local 2500 us 165000 us 165000 us
Table 8-3 Description of Fields for FDDI Path Attributes
Field Description
maxTReq Maximum time value of fddiMACT-Req that will be used by any
MAC that is configured in this path. This value can be user-defined.
ringLatency Total accumulated latency of the ring associated with this path
tmaxLowBound Minimum time value of fddiMACT-Max that will be used by any
MAC that is configured in this path. This value can be user-defined.
traceStatus Current Trace status of the path
tvxLowBound Minimum time value of fddiMACTvxValue that will be used by any
MAC that is configured in this path. This value can be user-defined.