Broadcast Storm
The Broadcast Storm Modify Page configures the storm control settings
for all ports.
Monitor users have no access to this page.
To configure Broadcast Storm Control:
1 Click Device > Broadcast Storm > Modify. The Broadcast Storm Modify
Page opens:
Figure 52 Broadcast Storm Modify Page
The Broadcast Storm Modify Page contains the following fields:
■ Broadcast Mode — Defines the storm control mode to use on the
selected interface.
■ Disabled — Disables storm control on the selected port.
■ Broadcast — Enables broadcast storm control on the selected port.
■ Broadcast&Multicast — Enables broadcast and multicast storm
control on the selected port.
■ Packet Rate Threshold — Defines the maximum rate (kilobits per
second) at which broadcast or multicast packets are forwarded. The
range is 64-100,000 for Fast Ethernet ports, and 64-1,000,000 for
Gigabit Ethernet ports. The default value is 10000. Also note that the
resolution at which this parameter can be configured is 64 kilobits.
2 Define the relevant fields.