Defining Local Database Authentication 69
Configuring Port
The Local Database Port Setup Page allows the network administrator to
configure local-database protocol settings for the selected port.
Monitor users have no access to this page.
To display protocol settings for Local Database Authentication:
1 Click Port > Local Database > Port Setup. The Local Database Port
Setup Page opens:
Figure 32 Local Database Port Setup Page
The Local Database Port Setup Page contains the following fields:
■ Status — Configures the administrative status of local-database
authentication for a port. The possible field values are:
■ Enabled — Enables local database authentication on the device.
■ Disabled — Disables local database authentication on the device.
This is the default.
■ No Change — Retains the current port status.
■ Quid Period — Displays the amount of time a host must wait after
exceeding the limit for failed login attempts, before it may attempt
local-database authentication again. The field range is 1-600 seconds,
and the default is 60 seconds.
■ Login Attempts — Displays the limit on failed web authentication
login attempts. After the limit is reached, the switch refuses further
login attempts until the quiet time expires. The field range is 1-3
attempts, and the default is 3 attempts.