■ Security — Indicates if port security is enabled on the Voice VLAN.
Port security ensures that packets arriving with an unrecognized MAC
address are dropped.
■ Enabled — Enables port security on the Voice VLAN.
■ Disabled — Disables port security on the Voice VLAN. This is the
default value.
■ Voice Client Detected — Indicates if a voice client has been detected
on the corresponding port.
Defining Voice VLAN The Voice VLAN Setup Page provides information for enabling and
defining Voice VLAN globally on the device.
Monitor users have no access to this page.
To configure Voice VLAN Settings:
1 Click Device > QoS > VoIP Traffic Setting > Setup. The Voice VLAN
Setup Page opens:
Figure 98 Voice VLAN Setup Page
The Voice VLAN Setup Page contains the following fields:
■ Voice VLAN Status — Enables or disables the Voice VLAN on the
device. Remember to create a VLAN for voice traffic before enabling
the Voice VLAN. The possible field values are:
■ Enabled — Enables Voice VLAN on the device.