
LAN Modem is not answering
Dial-in data calls
Auto Answer is set to Disable. Auto Answer must be enabled for the LAN Modem to
answer incoming data calls. By default Auto Answer is
disabled. Refer to “Configuring Dial-in User
Parameters” for more information.
Browser is not displaying newly
entered information.
Web browser may be caching
older pages.
Web browsers often cache previously-visited pages.
This means that the browser may not always display
information that has recently changed.
There are two possible solutions for this issue.
Set your Web browser to display the newest version
of page each time the page is loaded (refer to your
Web browser’s documentation for instructions).
Click “Refresh” from your browser’s menu bar to
display the latest information.
Second channel is not
automatically added as
bandwidth needs increase
Only one telephone line
connected to the LAN Modem.
Service Provider’s Bandwidth
Allocation is not configured to
“Add Second Channel as
Change the Connect/Disconnect
threshold for the second channel.
Connect a second analog telephone line. In order to
add a second channel as needed, you must have two
telephone lines connected to each ‘Line” port on the
back panel of the LAN Modem
Set the Bandwidth Allocation to “Add Second Channel
as Needed” via the Service Provider Parameters Page.
You can set the Connect/Disconnect threshold value via
the LAN Modem’s Data Call Parameters page.
Table 6 Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions
Symptom Possible Cause Solution