default directory
The default directory structure specifies where to find new installations of your
bridge/router software and backups of your bridge/router software on the NMS.
dual-image The ability of a bridge/router to store two sets of image and configuration files.
FTP File Transfer Protocol. Allows the transfer of files between a host and a client.
image file See boot image.
manual recovery An upgrade method that copies the primary boot source to the NMS, formats the
flash memory on the bridge/router, then copies the upgraded software back to the
bridge/router. If the upgrade fails, you must restore the software from the backup
on the NMS. Manual recovery requires enough flash memory to hold one software
set, compared to automatic recovery which must have enough memory for two
network management
A UNIX or Windows system that has a TFTP server running in addition to software,
such as the NETBuilder Upgrade Management Utilities, to manage your network.
NMS See network management station.
offline upgrade A method of copying configuration files to a network management station,
updating those files to the latest release, and then copying them back to the
bridge/router with the new images while the bridge/router remains operational.
primary boot source The default boot source used to boot the bridge/router.
primary image The boot image specified in the primary boot directory.
restore A method of copying a software backup from the network management station
to a bridge/router using Upgrade Link or the bcmrestore utility and returning a
bridge/router to its previous operational state. Restoring can be used when
different versions of software have been installed on the bridge/router.
Remote Upgrade
BCM utilities expressly used for remote upgrading. These utilities allow you to
manipulate NETBuilder bridge/router boot blocks and the NETBuilder bridge/router
file system via the SNMP protocol. These utilities also allow you to reboot the
NETBuilder bridge/router and to obtain accurate status information.
secondary boot source The boot source used in the event of primary boot source failure.
secondary image The software image designated for use by the bridge/router if the primary image is
inaccessible or cannot be booted. The secondary image is specified as the local
boot file in the secondary boot directory.
single-image The capability of a bridge/router to store only one set of software images and
configuration files.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. An Internet protocol that defines a way to
monitor and set configuration and runtime parameters.
software set A combination of bootable images for a particular version of bridge/router
software along with the configuration files that have been created for the
operation of the bridge/router. For version 11.0 and later, the software includes
web application files like Quick Step VPN.