This guide describes how to upgrade your NETBuilder
bridge/router to
Enterprise OS software version 11.3. This guide also describes how to upgrade
your PathBuilder™ S5xx series switch to Enterprise OS software version 11.3.
You can also use this guide to upgrade your NETBuilder bridge/router to previous
software versions (8.0 through 11.2) by specifying the correct options.
You can upgrade your bridge/router from software version 8.0 through 11.2 to
any software version after 8.0 through 11.3 on the following platforms:
■ NETBuilder II
bridge/router with DPE
■ NETBuilder II bridge/router with CEC — The CEC module is not supported after
software version 10.1, but you can use the 11.2 utilities to upgrade a CEC
module to a DPE module, or to upgrade the CEC module to software version
10.1 or earlier.
■ SuperStack
II NETBuilder SI bridge/router
■ SuperStack II NETBuilder Token Ring bridge/router
■ OfficeConnect
NETBuilder bridge/router
You can upgrade your PathBuilder S5xx series switch to Enterprise OS software
version 11.3 from version 11.1.1 and version 11.2.
This guide also describes how to complete an image-only upgrade for patches,
new packages, or software recovery. It also describes how to backup and restore
software on a network management station.
See the Enterprise OS Software Version 11.3 Release Notes for any changes or
additions to the information in this guide.
Conventions Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Important features or instructions
Caution Information to alert you to potential damage to a
program, system, or device
Warning Information to alert you to potential personal injury