software package A defined subset of bridge/router services and protocols that are appropriate for a
particular model of the NETBuilder bridge/router family of products.
split image files A boot image that spans multiple diskettes. Split images occur on a few
SuperStack II NETBuilder bridge/router packages (for example, the CF package
prior to 9.1). If you are upgrading to one of these older packages, bcminstall will
automatically recombine the split image before performing your upgrade.
Telnet Terminal Emulation Link Protocol.
TEM/TNCS 3Com’s Transcend Enterprise Manager/Transcend Network Control Service, which
runs on Windows NT, Windows 95, Solaris, HP, and IBM platforms.
test boot source The boot source used during the test boot process.
test boot image The software image specified as the local boot file in the test source.
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol. Allows file transfer between an IP host and an IP
upgrade A method to bring a bridge/router up-to-date with later versions of software and
firmware without the need for reconfiguring individual bridge/router parameters
and settings. The upgrade is performed using the NETBuilder Upgrade
Management Utilities or Transcend.
Upgrade Management
A set of utilities to upgrade bridge/routers or switches. Some functions performed
by the utilities include copying software, firmware, and configuration files from
the bridge/router, and upgrading configuration files. In addition, the utilities can
configure the boot sources on the bridge/router, execute the test boot, and
configure the bridge/router boot sources to use the software in standard boot
Upgrade Link Backend The server application that fetches HTML and Java class files, runs the PERl scripts,
and accesses the file system.
Upgrade Link Front end The JAVA applet that runs in a browser. All the GUI components are part of the
front end.
Upgrade Migration Path The 3Com supported package for upgrading a bridge/router.
WINTEL All windows on INTEL platforms including Windows 95, Windows 98 and
Windows NT.