
Sample VCX Reconfiguration Script (continued)
IP Messaging includes an optional ability to back up messages to an
external server.
Enable data backup server for IPMS? [N] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept the default answer. In this sample
script, the default answer (N) indicates that data backup was not
originally enabled on this server.
IP Messaging includes an optional ability to import subscriber profiles
from VCX.
Enable VCX subscriber bulk import? [Y] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept the default answer. In this sample
script, the default answer (Y) indicates that bulk import was originally
enabled on this server.
For VCX subscriber bulk import, the user name to use when accessing the VCX
Authentication & Directory Server is needed.
User name for access to Auth & Dir Server : cworks
In addition, the password for the previously provided user name is
required. Specify the password to use when accessing the VCX
Authentication & Directory Server.
Password for access to Auth & Dir Server : cworks
This cworks password is used for authentication when accessing the
Authentication and Directory server database. This password must be the
same as the cworks database authentication password on the
Authentication and Directory server. It is not necessarily the same as the
password used to log in to the local cworks account.
IP Messaging includes support for Text To Speech (TTS) via one or more
external servers. To use this feature you must answer 'Y' here.
Is Text To Speech (TTS) enabled? [N] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept the default answer. In this sample
script, the default answer (N) indicates that no text-to-speech service was
originally enabled on this server.