Table 19 lists commands you can use to view version information of
various VCX software components.
vcx-licensequery Displays information about the currently installed VCX
software license, for example, serial number, customer
name, and expiration date.
Requires one of the following arguments:
■ help — Displays command syntax information.
■ validate — Indicates whether the license key has been
successfully validated.
■ machine-identifier — Displays the machine id.
■ system-release-version — Displays the currently
running version of VCX software.
■ issuer-name — Displays the name of the company
issuing the license, in this case, 3Com Corporation.
■ customer-name — Displays the name of the customer.
■ customer-address — Displays customer address
■ account-number — Displays the customer account
■ expiration-date — Displays the expiration date of the
original license key.
■ update-expiration-date — Displays the expiration date
of the updated license key.
■ license-capacity — Displays the number of supported
phones, IP Messaging clients, and conferencing clients.
■ all — Displays information for all of the arguments.
vcx-licenseinstall Installs a VCX software license key on a host machine. See
Installing a License Key File
Table 19 VCX Version Information Commands
Command Description
vcx-showversion Displays the currently running version of VCX software. See
Verifying Software Versions
Table 18 VCX Licensing Commands (continued)
Command Description