The following example adds a user account for jjohnson and assigns the
user the phone extension 2314323. The account will be created on the
branch office with the site ID Br3.
user-MAC --uname jjhonson --password 3dkaRiEI02
--title Mr --first Jack --middle Oliver --last Jhonson
--email jackj@dcah.com --street1 “2132 Rosecrans, suite 231”
--city Rochester --state NY --country USA --zip 14232
--phone 2314323 –pprofile local --site-id Br3
You could enter the same command using abbreviated parameter names:
user-MAC -u jjhonson -pa 3dkaRiEI02 -t Mr --first Jack
-mi Oliver -l Jhonson -e jackj@dcah.com
--street1 “2132 Rosecrans, suite 231” --ci Rochester
--state NY -co USA -z 14232 --ph 2314323 -–pp local
--site-id Br3
The following simple command quickly adds a user account:
user-MAC --u jjhonson --ph 2314323
The following command deletes the user account for jjohnson:
user-MAC --delete --u jjhonson
The following command changes the phone extension for the jjohnson
user account:
user-MAC --mod --u jjhonson --ph 5552121 --new-ph 5552222
Using Batch Mode In batch mode, you create either a comma separated values (CSV) file or
an XML file to use as input for
user-MAC command processing. Each
request (CSV line or XML transaction node) makes up a transaction.
■ An XML file can contain a mixture of add, delete, and modify
You cannot use a modify transaction to change the site ID of a user
account. The site ID (
--site-id) is required for a modify transaction if
the account to be changed is located at a branch site. If the account is
located on another region, the modify transaction must specify a site
ID (
--site-id) and remote IP address (--remote).
■ A CSV file can contain add transactions only.