
Configuring Web
Site Blocking
To configure Web Site Blocking using the Web interface:
1 Log in to the Web interface.
2 Click Device View on the Toolbar.
3 Select System -> Caching -> Web Site Blocking in the Navigation Tree.
4 Check Enable Web Site Blocking.
5 Select Deny Access to All Sites to deny access to all Web sites except the
ones that you enter in the list, or select Enable Access to All Sites to allow
access to all Web sites except those listed.
6 In the Except the Following field, enter the domain name of the Web site
you want to exclude from the option you chose in step 5 and click Add.
Repeat this for each Web site that you want to block.
You can enter
yahoo.com to block access to that entire domain, or enter
auctions.yahoo.com to block access to that subdomain.
Domain Name Rules
You cannot enter a domain starting with http:.
You cannot enter a domain containing the / (forward slash) character.
You cannot enter a domain containing a space character.
You cannot enter a domain starting or ending with a . (dot) character.
The domain must start and end with a letter or number.
The domain name can only contain the following characters:
Uppercase A-Z and lowercase a-z
Any digit 0-9
Hyphen characters (-)
The domain name must be at least 1 character long.
The domain name must not exceed 63 characters long.
Customizing the
You can modify the response screen that is automatically generated by
the Webcache when a client machine tries to access a Web site that is
blocked. This allows you to enter additional information to make the
response screen more user friendly. For example, you could add Access