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Controlling Ramp/Soak
The Secondary Menu parameter “Prog Ramp/Soak = “ must be set to ‘ON’ in order to control
the ramp/soak operation.
Press the ‘RUN/HOLD’ button on the panel to put the ramp/soak operation into the Run state.
The LCD display will change from “Running” to “RAMPSOAK”. The setpoint will step to
the programmed value over the programmed time period and the process will be changed
Press the ‘RUN/HOLD” button again to toggle the ramp/soak operation into the Hold state.
The LCD display will change from “RAMP/SOAK” to “R/S HOLD”. The setpoint will be
held at its current value and the process will control at that value for as long as the Hold state
Press the ‘RUN/HOLD” button again to toggle the ramp/soak operation back into the
ramp/soak Run state.
While the Ramp/Soak operation is running, there are two ways to abort the operation:
Hold down the RUN/HOLD key for 3 seconds.
In the Secondary Menu, set the “Prog Ramp/Soak = “ parameter to ‘OFF’.
Monitoring Ramp/Soak
If the “Status of Prog” parameter in the Secondary menu is set to “ON”, the Primary menu
will display the following items:
“PrgSeg# Remain = ###” displays the remaining time in the current segment.
“PrgSeg# Time = ###” displays total time of the current segment.
“PrgSeg# StPt = ###” displays the setpoint of the current segment.
If the “Status of Prog” parameter is set to “OFF”, the additional menu items will not appear in
the Primary menu.