Unit shuts down after running
through Ramp/Soak program
The Program End function is
incorrectly configured.
Change the value of “Prog
End” from OFF to desired
action at the end of the
Setpoint temperature does not
change when using the Up or
Down Arrow keys
Security password set to
lockout status
Change security setting to gain
access to parameters.
Controller setup in remote
analog input.
Change “Remote Input”
parameter in Secondary Menu
to “OFF.”
Buttons on the face of the
controller do not function
when pressed
Security password set to
lockout status
Change security setting to gain
access to parameters.
Controller parameters setup to
in remote function.
Change parameters to be in
local function.
Excessive environment noise
Controller does communicate
with remote host computer
Communications board
improperly installed.
Check slot J8 on the secondary
controller board to ensure
proper board installation
Incorrect protocol selected
Change parameter “Comm
Protocol” in the Secure Menu
to proper protocol (MOD for
Incorrect address selected
Change the parameter “Comm
Addr (Hex)” in the Secure
Menu to a unique address in
hexadecimal. This parameter
will depend on the type of
protocol being used. (See
debug menu on page.)
Incorrect communications
The parameter “Comm Baud
Rate” in the Secure menu must
equal the speed of the host
computer to communicate
Check flow amp. JMR 5’
Lo for low signal level <IVPP
Hi for high signal level >IVPP
Check for pull up or pull down
resistor on sensor input
Replace IK Resistor per
elementary diagram. (See
debug menu.)
Contrast needs to be adjusted
Adjust POT, R82 to left or
right until display illuminates.
Backlight is on, display reads
“Power Available” [System
off], Setpoint and process
display has all 8’s.
“J6” DC input connector isn’t
inserted into socket or all DC
inputs are open at the same
Insert 12 pin plug into the ”J6”
socket and recycle power to
the controller.
Process temperature is outside
of the sensor ref. Table range.