MegaZoom Concepts and Oscilloscope Operation
Acquisition Modes
Acquisition Modes
Remember how when using your analog oscilloscope you had to constantly
adjust the brightness? You did this to see the desired level of detail in a signal,
or sometimes to see the signal at all!
INTENSITY knob on the Agilent 54620/40-series oscilloscopes works like an
analog oscilloscope; it changes how the frequency of occurrence of waveform
portions are mapped into various brightness levels. The
INTENSITY knob allows
you to adjust the plotted waveforms to account for various signal
characteristics, such as fast sweep speeds and low trigger rates. Even the least
frequent events are drawn at a dim, but visible level. Turning the knob fully
clockwise will make even the most infrequent waveform bright and easy to see
In the 54620/40-series oscilloscopes, you control the detail by selecting an
acquisition mode:
•Peak Detect
• Realtime
•Press the Acquire key to display the Acquire menu.