To configure a printer
CSV length
The Length softkey sets the number of XY waveform pair values that will be
output to the CSV (comma-separated variable) file. Length can be set to 100,
250, 500, 1000, or 2000 waveform pairs by turning the Entry knob. The larger
the length, the longer the file will take to write to the floppy disk.
Scale factors
Select the Factors softkey if you want the oscilloscope scale factors to be
included on your print. If you print to a disk image file, the scale factors will be
sent to a separate file named PRINT_nn.TXT. If you print to a CSV file, the
factors will be appended to the end of the file.
Oscilloscope scale factors include vertical, horizontal, trigger, acquisition, math,
and display settings.
Gray scale printing
When the Gray Scale softkey is selected, the gray scale (all levels of display
intensities) traces on the oscilloscope display are printed if the Format softkey
has been set to LaserJet or DeskJet printer. Gray scale information is always
sent when you print to a TIF or BMP image file on the floppy disk.
If gray scale is turned off, the gray scale traces will be printed in black and white.
For fastest print throughput, turn gray scale off.
Gray scale printing is not available with Epson or Seiko formats and is not
applicable to CSV format.
Form feed
When on, Form Feed will send a form feed command to the parallel printer when
the print is complete. Use this if you want only one print per sheet of paper.
Set form feed off when you want to put more than one print on a sheet of paper.
Form feed is not applicable when printing to the floppy disk.