
Run/Stop/Single/Infinite Persistence Operation
During an acquisition, the oscilloscope examines the input voltage at
each input probe.
For analog channels, the input voltage is determined by the vertical
volts/division settings.
For digital channels, at each sample the oscilloscope compares the
input voltage to the logic threshold. If the voltage is above the
threshold, the oscilloscope stores a 1 in sample memory; otherwise,
it stores a 0.
To control the acquisition process, you can do the following:
Perform continuous acquisitions by pressing
Run/Stop (key is
illuminated green), and stop the acquisitions by pressing Run/Stop
again (key is illuminated red).
Take exactly one acquisition, then stop by pressing the
Single key.
Store the results of several acquisitions by using infinite persistence
when the scope is running.
Erase the results of all acquisitions by pressing
Clear Display in the
Display menu.