pad and appropriate termination key. When you
have finished setting the open parameter, close it by
pressing its menu soft-key or by making another
menu selection.
Press Enable to begin master-slave operation.
Press CW to return to the CW Menu display.
During master-slave operation, the Slave unit is in
remote mode under the direct control of the Master
unit. The Slave unit displays the following:
Its output CW frequency or sweep frequency
Its output power level.
The messages Remote and Local Lockout.
The CW/sweep frequency settings on the Master
unit define the master sweep, and the corresponding
frequency settings on the Slave unit define the slave
sweep. For example, if slave frequency F1 is set to
4 GHz and slave frequency F2 is set to 12 GHz, then
the Slave unit will sweep from 4 to 12 GHz when-
ever the F1-F2 sweep range is selected on the Mas-
ter unit. The Master unit will sweep from F1-F2
with the values of F1 and F2 defined in the Master
unit’s frequency list.
Operation in
VNA Mode
In the VNA mode of master-slave operation, a Slave
unit is coupled to a Master instrument that is con
nected to a Model 360B Vector Network Analyzer in
a source or dual source configuration. (Operating in
structions for the vector network analyzer can be
found in the Model 360B VNA Operation Manual,
P/N 10410-00110.) The following paragraphs de
scribe how to set up both instruments to perform
master-slave operations in the VNA mode.
Place both instruments in CW mode. Then, on the
Master unit, press Master Slave to go to the
Master-Slave Menu display (page 7-5).
At the Master-Slave menu, press Slave Freqs to go
to the Slave Frequencies List Menu display (next
681XXC OM 7-7
The 56100A SNA, when being used
with the master-slave configura-
tion, will not display markers.