The following paragraphs give instructions for preparing the 681XXC
for storage or shipment.
for Storage
Preparing the signal generator for storage consists
of cleaning the unit, packing the inside with mois
ture-absorbing desiccant crystals, and storing the
unit in a temperature environment that is main
tained between –40°C and +75°C.
for Shipment
To provide maximum protection against damage in
transit, the signal generator should be repackaged
in the original shipping container. If this container
is no longer available and the unit is being returned
to Anritsu for repair, advise Anritsu Customer Serv
ice; they will send a new shipping container free of
charge. In the event neither of these two options is
possible, instructions for packaging and shipment
are given below.
Use a Suitable Container.
Obtain a corrugated cardboard carton with a 125 kg
test strength. This carton should have inside dimen-
sions of no less than 15 cm larger than the unit di-
mensions to allow for cushioning.
Protect the Instrument.
Surround the unit with polyethylene sheeting to
protect the finish.
Cushion the Instrument.
Cushion the instrument on all sides by tightly pack
ing dunnage or urethane foam between the carton
and the unit. Provide at least three inches of dun
nage on all sides.
Seal the Container.
Seal the carton by using either shipping tape or an
industrial stapler.
Address the Container.
If the instrument is being returned to Anritsu for
service, mark the address of the appropriate Anritsu
service center (Table 2-1) and your return address
on the carton in one or more prominent locations.
681XXC OM 2-13