Selecting List
Sweep Mode
To place the 681XXC in list sweep frequency mode,
press the main menu key
At the reulting menu display, press List . The List
Sweep Menu (below) is displayed.
This menu lets you perform the following:
Go to the Edit List menus (edit list index fre-
quency and power level parameters and insert
and delete list index entries).
Edit the list index parameter.
Calculate all list index frequency and power
level settings.
Go to the Sweep menu (set sweep start index,
stop index, and dwell time and select a sweep
Editing the List Index
Press List Index to open the list index parameter for
editing. Edit the current list index value using the
cursor control key or rotary data knob or enter a
new value using the key pad and any terminator
key. When you have finished setting the open pa
rameter, close it by pressing List Index or by mak
ing another menu selection.
The List Index soft-key is not the only way to
change the list index. In the list sweep mode with
manual trigger selected, each time the Ù or Ú pad of
the cursor control key is pressed the list index incre
ments or decrements by one. The List Index soft-key
is used if a larger change in the list index is desired.
The only time the cursor control key will not change
the list index is when a different parameter, such as
frequency, power level,etc., is open. The cursor con
trol key will then change the value of the open
parameter. Once the open parameter is closed, the
cursor control key will again change the list index.
3-42 681XXC OM