
Single/Multiple Automated Attendant
On the mail system, create an Automated Attendant mailbox and use
Line Ownership to assign the Automated Attendant mailbox as the
owner of the line(s).
The communications system will direct calls both day and night to the
Automated Attendant mailbox after four rings. Using this method, there is
no way to send calls immediately to the mailbox.
For more information, see “Form A: Page 1 Description” in Appendix B.
For Release 4.0 and later communications systems only, use Line
Coverage Extension [
] [
] [
] [
] to assign extension coverage for the
line(s) to a system phone dedicated for Automated Attendant use.
Program VMS Cover and Do Not Disturb buttons on the phone.
On the mail system, create an Automated Attendant mailbox for the
When the VMS Cover button is Off, calls will not be sent to the Automated
Attendant. When the VMS Cover button is On, calls will be sent to the
Automated Attendant, The status of the Do Not Disturb button will
determine how quickly the calls are sent. When the Do Not Disturb button
is On, calls will be sent to the Automated Attendant immediately. When
the Do Not Disturb button is Off, calls will be sent to the Automated
Attendant after the number of rings specified by VMS Cover Rings
Related Mail System Features
For each Automated Attendant, you can program the following:
Day and Night Dial 0/Timeout Action (Automated Attendant)
Fax Extension and Fax Message Receiver
General Mailbox Owner
Line Assignments (for lines assigned using communications system
Group Call Distribution (#206) Setting 1 that are to be answered by
Automated Attendant 1 or Automated Attendant 2)
Day and Night Main Menus (Automated Attendant)
Schedule Controller (and Business Schedule, if the Schedule
Controller is set to follow the PARTNER MAIL Business Schedule)
Touch-Tone Gate setting [and Touch-Tone Gate Greetings if the
Touch-Tone Gate is On; see Greetings (System)]
You can use Group Call Distribution (#206) Setting 3, Line Ownership, and an
Automated Attendant Mailbox to provide Automated Attendant Service.
Single/Multiple Automated Attendant