
The mail system does not answer immediately—
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
The modular cords connecting the Check the modular cords to make
mail system unit to the
sure they are securely connected.
communications system 206
Call each extension connected to a
module are loose. mail system port to see if the call is
answered. If it is not answered, you
may need to replace the modular
cord to that port. Call for support as
described on page 6-5.
Calls are routed to the wrong Automated
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
The line is assigned to the wrong
Check mail system Line
Automated Attendant.
Assignments. Make necessary
corrections. (Remember, any line not
explicitly assigned to Automated
Attendant 2 or 3 is assigned to
Automated Attendant 1 by default.)
The Automated Attendant mailbox Check to be sure that the Class of
is not set up correctly.
Service for the Automated Attendant
mailbox is correct for the Automated
Attendant desired. Also check
communications system Line
Coverage Extension (#208) or Group
Call Distribution (#206) Setting 3, if
Verifying System Operation and Troubleshooting