The Odyssey 34 lift is designed and manufactured for use as a telescoping personnel lift.
The maximum platform load is limited to 350 lbs. The electric pump motor is powered by
a 12VDC battery. A 20 amp automatic battery charger is included for recharging the bat-
tery at the end of each work period.
Platform elevation is accomplished by means of a 2-1/4 inch displacement type hydraulic
cylinder. The lower telescoping section is pushed vertically upward by the cylinder while
the upper sections are raised by a mechanical motion advantage accomplished through
two sets of chains and sheaves. Platform elevation and descent is controlled by pushbut-
tons on the main control box located on the back of the machine, or the transmitter
mounted on the cage platform.
Safety of operation is assured by proper inspection and maintenance procedures as set
forth in this manual. The possibility of platform free-fall is eliminated by proper mainte-
nance and replacement of the chains, sheaves and sheave pins, a properly installed flow
restrictor valve, and a clean mast. The adjustable restrictor valve controls and fixes the
rate of platform descent whether empty or fully loaded to approximately 0.6 feet per sec-
ond. A hydraulic hose failure will result in the same rate of descent, eliminating free-fall,
when the restrictor valve is installed properly.
Emergency lowering of the platform is accomplished by means of a manual control valve
located on the pump/motor unit.
The Odyssey 34 lift features a displacement type of cylinder that will not rust or corrode
during storage since the cylinder rod is immersed in oil. It is important that the cylinder
rod be kept clean and undamaged for the protection of the cylinder head packing.
The outrigger lock safety switches prevent the Odyssey 34 from raising until the four out-
riggers have been properly positioned and engaged. This helps to make the Odyssey 34
lift a safe, dependable machine.
Carefully read all the safety instructions contained in Section 1 of this manual before op-
erating the Odyssey 34 lift.