Disassemble and inspect the hydraulic cylinder as follows:
1. Remove retaining ring (14, Figure 4-5) by rotating cylinder head (5) clockwise
until the edge of the retaining ring appears in the milled opening of cylinder tube
2. Pull cylinder head (5) assembly off the end of cylinder rod (1) and from cylinder
tube (12).
3. Pull assembled cylinder rod (1) and piston (8) from the cylinder tube.
4. Remove piston nut (11) and remove piston (8) assembly from the end of the rod.
5. Remove wiper (3), u-cup seal (4), static o-ring (7), and back-up ring (6) from
cylinder head (5). Discard all parts.
6. Remove u-cup seals (9 and 10) from piston (8). Discard the u-cup seals.
7. Inspect rod (1) for any scratches or pits. Pits that go into the base metal are un-
acceptable. Scratches that catch the fingernail, but are not through the base metal
or less than 1/2 inch long and are around the rod, are acceptable providing they
are not sharp enough to cut the seal. The rod surface should not have any of the
chrome worn through. Replace the rod if any of these conditions are not met.
8. Inspect cylinder head (5). Check the inside bore of the cylinder head for
scratches; deep scratches are unacceptable. Check the bore for polishing —
polishing indicates uneven loading. The bore should be checked for out-of-
roundness; if the bore is more than 0.007 inch out-of-round, the head should be
replaced. Damage to any of the seal grooves is unacceptable. Replace the head if
any of these conditions are not met.
9. Inspect piston (8). Check the outside surface of piston for scratches; deep
scratches are unacceptable. Check the outside surface for polishing. If polishing
is noticed, the piston should be checked for out-of-roundness. If out-of round-
ness exceeds 0.007 inch, the piston should be replaced. Damage to any of the
seal grooves is unacceptable. Replace the piston if any of these conditions are
not met.
10. Inspect cylinder tube (12) for any scratches or pits. Pits or scratches that are
deep enough to catch the fingernail are not acceptable. Scratches that catch the
fingernail, but are less than 1/2 inch long and are around the tube, are acceptable
providing they are not sharp enough to cut the seal. Replace the cylinder tube if
any of these conditions are not met.
Assemble the hydraulic cylinder as follows:
11. Lubricate piston (8) and u-cup seals (9 and 10) with hydraulic fluid.
12. Stretch u-cup seals (9 and 10) into the grooves. The sealing lips of the u-cup
seals should face toward the outside face of the piston. Be careful to avoid dam-
aging the seal grooves during installation; scratching the grooves may cause by-
pass leakage. Allow the assembled piston to sit 1 hour to allow the seals to return
to shape.
13. Lubricate cylinder head (5), wiper (3), u-cup seal (4), static back-up ring (6), and
static o-ring (7) with hydraulic fluid.
14. Twist dual lip u-cup seal (4) into a ‘C’ shape and allow it to snap into the lower
15. Twist wiper (3) into a ‘C’ shape and allow it to snap into the outer groove.