Table 4-3. Troubleshooting Chart, Continued
Problem Cause Correction
5. Pump/motor will not run
UP is selected.
EMERGENCY STOP button is activated
(pushed in).
b. Motor start relay is not activating.
c. Motor start relay is activating, but
motor does not run.
d. Low voltage*.
e. Outrigger is not set.
f. Level sensor is out of level.
a. Turn EMERGENCY STOP button coun-
terclockwise to deactivate.
b. Check voltage at white wire on motor
start relay. If voltage, replace defec-
tive motor start relay. If no voltage,
check for loose or broken wire. Repair
or replace wire.
c. Check hydraulic gear pump for sei-
zure. If seized, replace pump. If not,
check motor. Motor may need re-
d. Recharge or replace the battery.
e. Set all outriggers.
f. Level machine.
6. When two parts of battery
connector plug are mated to-
gether, the motor runs with-
UP switch being selected.
a. Short in electrical system.
b. Motor start relay is stuck in “
a. Repair or replace any loose or broken
b. Replace defective motor start relay.
7. Hydraulic cylinder leaks at
gland nut.
a. Defective seals. a. Replace seals in hydraulic cylinder.
Refer to Hydraulic Cylinder Repair in
Section 4-3.
8. Outrigger will not set after
extensive winding of jack
a. Spring-loaded pin on outrigger jack
failed to engage due to over extension
of the jack.
a. Unwind jack handle, retracting foot
pad, until the spring-loaded pin snaps
into place. Then, wind jack down until
foot pad is firmly set and outrigger
LED is lit.
*NOTE: Smart start solenoid will not engage if battery charge drops below 9 volts.