9. Responsibilities of Renters or Lessors
9.1 General Responsibilities. Each renter or lessor shall comply with the requirements
of this section.
9.2 Ownership Duties. The renter or lessor shall carry out the duties of ownership
specified in this standard which are not assumed by the renting entity of lessee as the
9.3 Obligations. Each renter or lessor of an aerial device shall provide a copy of user
responsibilities within this standard.
9.4 Training. The renter or lessor shall offer operator training initially to the renting
entity or lessee.
9.5 Communications. In the event the manufacturer or installer provides the renter or
lessor manuals, bulletins, or other materials for the information of the user of an ae-
rial device, the renter or lessor shall pass them on to the user without any undue de-
10. Responsibilities of Operators.
10.1 General Responsibilities. Each operator shall comply with the requirements of this
10.2 Operation. During operation of the aerial device the operator shall wear a body
belt or harness and be connected to the aerial device with a lanyard at the platform
10.3 Work Platform. The operator shall not use railings, planks, ladders or any other
device in or on the work platform for achieving additional working height or reach.
10.4 Brakes. The vehicle parking brake(s) shall be set at all times that the boom is ele-
vated except when the aerial device is being used in accordance with 8.13.3.
10.5 Loading. Any loading which includes a horizontal load shall be avoided unless the
mobile unit is designed for that application.
10.6 Observations. Observations during operation for any defects shall be conducted on
an ongoing basis.
10.7 Worksite. Before the aerial device is used, the worksite shall be surveyed for haz-
ards such as:
(1) Untamped earth fills
(2) Ditches
(3) Dropoffs and floor obstructions
(4) Debris
(5) Overhead obstructions and electrical conductors
(6) Weather conditions
(7) Presence of unauthorized persons
10.8 Precautions. Before and during each use the operator shall:
(1) Check for overhead obstructions and electrical conductors
(2) Insure that the load on the platform and/or load lifting devices are in accor-
dance with the manufacturer's rated capacity
(3) Insure that outriggers and stabilizers are used if the manufacturer's instructions
require their use
(4) Insure that guardrails are properly installed, and the gates are closed
(5) Use outrigger pads when necessary to provide firm footing
10.9 Mobile Operation. Before engaging in mobile operation the operator shall deter-
mine that the aerial device is specifically designed for mobile operation.