Table 4-3. Troubleshooting Chart
Problem Cause Correction
1. Outriggers indicator lamp
will not light up.
a. Master power switch turned off.
b. Emergency stop or power button
engaged (pushed in).
c. All outriggers not deployed.
d. At least one wheel not raised.
a. Turn on master power switch.
b. Rotate emergency stop buttons clock-
wise to disengage.
c. Deploy all outriggers.
d. Raise at least one wheel off the
2. Boom UP/DOWN and
ROTATION functions do not
a. Master power switch turned off.
b. Low battery power.
c. Boom lift is out of level.
d. Emergency stop or power button
engaged (pushed in).
e. Battery ground or in-series cable
f. Short circuit burned out the power
g. Battery cable or equipment ground
lead loose or corroded.
h. System interlock fault.
i. Hydraulic pump not pumping.
a. Turn on master power switch.
b. Check battery charge LEDs on upper
control panel. Recharge batteries if
yellow or red LED is lighted.
c. Level boom lift with outrigger jacks.
d. Rotate emergency stop button clock-
wise to disengage.
e. Check for and repair loose battery
connections or ground fault.
f. Check fuse status indicator D67 in
lower control box. If LED is not on,
replace fuse with spare and retry. If
spare burns out, locate and correct
short circuit in wiring.
g. Clean and reconnect loose or corroded
battery cable or ground lead.
h. Check display for system status.
Correct indicated fault conditions.
i. Check pump motor operation; repair
or replace if not running. Check gear
pump; replace if hot to touch.
3. Single boom lift or rotation
function does not work.
a. Loose wiring connector.
b. Valve solenoid failed.
c. System interlock fault.
d. Broken or loose wire.
a. Check wiring terminals in control box
and at valve manifold; repair loose
wiring terminal.
b. Swab out valve solenoids and recheck
function; replace solenoid if faulty.
c. Check display for system status.
Correct indicated fault conditions.
d. Repair or replace wire.
4. Boom lift and rotate func-
tions do not operate properly.
a. Rheostat or rheostat wiring failure.
b. Valve solenoid not proportional type.
c. Loose solenoid wiring.
d. System interlock fault.
a. Check rheostat; replace rheostat or
repair wiring if loose or damaged.
b. Swab out valve solenoids and recheck
function; replace solenoid if faulty.
c. Check wiring terminals in control box
and at valve manifold; repair loose
wiring terminal.
d. Check display for system status.
Correct indicated fault conditions.