Table 4-3. Troubleshooting Chart, Continued
Problem Cause Correction
5. No operation of all functions
when the trigger or speed
control knob and a function
switch is activated.
a. Master power switch turned off.
b. Short circuit burned out the power
c. System interlock fault.
d. Battery cable or equipment ground
lead loose or corroded.
e. Hydraulic pump not pumping.
a. Turn on master power switch.
b. Check fuse status indicator D67 in
lower control box. If LED is not on,
replace fuse with spare and retry. If
spare burns out, locate and correct
short circuit in wiring.
c. Check display for system status.
Correct indicated fault conditions.
d. Clean and reconnect loose or corroded
battery cable or ground lead.
e. Check pump motor operation; repair
or replace if not running. Check gear
pump; replace if hot to touch.
6. Boom lift and rotate func-
tions operate intermittently.
a. Loose connection at trigger or speed
control knob.
b. Loose connector at valve coil.
c. System interlock fault.
a. Check display reading for status.
Reconnect wiring.
b. Check wiring connection to valve coil;
repair loose wiring.
c. Check display for system status.
Correct indicated fault conditions.
Troubleshooting Aids
A controller board with fault display LEDs and an error code display is inside the lower
control panel. When a problem arises, open the lower control panel. Turn power on and
observe the control board indicators. See Tables 4-4 and 4-5 for interpreting error codes
and LED indicators on the controller board. Table 4-7 defines the level sensor LEDs in
Figure 4-11. Hydraulic and electrical diagrams are provided in Figures 4-12 through 4-15.
Table 4-4. Error Codes
Code Error Description
EC01 Data Communications Error Communication failure during self-test.
EC02 Proportional Control Out of Range Boom lift function outside of programmed safe operating zone.
EC03 Upper Cylinder Down Output Upper cylinder down circuit wiring or valve solenoid faulty.
EC04 Upper Cylinder Up Output Upper cylinder up circuit wiring or valve solenoid faulty.
EC05 Motor/Run/Throttle Solenoid Output Engine stop or throttle control circuit wiring or control device faulty.
EC06 Tilt Alarm Output (Beeper) Alarm output circuit wiring or alarm beeper faulty.
EC08 Lower Cylinder Down Output Lower cylinder down circuit wiring or valve solenoid faulty.
EC09 Lower Cylinder Up Output Lower cylinder up circuit wiring or valve solenoid faulty.
EC10 Rotate CCW Output Rotate CCW circuit wiring or valve solenoid faulty.
EC11 Rotate CW Output Rotate CW circuit wiring or valve solenoid faulty.
EC12 Emergency Down Output Emergency down circuit wiring or valve solenoid faulty.
EC13 Choke Output Choke control circuit wiring or choke solenoid faulty.
EC14 Motor Start Output Engine start circuit wiring or control device faulty.
EC15 Primary Bucket Switch Input Primary bucket switch or switch circuit wiring faulty.
EC16 Secondary Bucket Switch Input Secondary bucket switch or switch circuit wiring faulty.
Note: The related switch must be functionally sound to produce an error code other than EC01, EC06, EC15, or EC16.