
P-View Admin Silent: When the Operation Mode is set to “Public View” (see
the previous page), the user in control of a computer is normally notified
when other users start and stop viewing their channel’s video. However, when
P-View Admin Silent is set to “Yes,” administrators can view other users’ video
without causing a viewing-notification message to appear. Use the up- and
down-arrows to toggle between “Yes” and “No” (the default).
PC Share Timeout: If the Operation Mode is set to “PC Share” (see the
previous page) and more than one user has selected a computer, the first user
to operate their keyboard or mouse will have control of the computer.
However, another user can gain control of the computer if the first user’s
keyboard and mouse remain idle for the length of this timeout. Using leading
zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit number of seconds from 01 to 99, or use
the up- and down-arrow keys to increment and decrement the current value
by 1 respectively. The default setting is 01.
Login Blank: If enabled, the amount of time in minutes that a user station can
remain inactive (no keyboard or mouse activity) at the Login Menu before the
system blanks the monitor screen. (Press any of the keys on the keyboard to
restore normal video.)
Possible values in the first field are “On” (login blank is enabled) and “Off”
(login blank is disabled, the default value). Use the up- and down-arrow keys
to toggle between these values.
If the login blank is set to “On,” the number in the second field is how many
minutes of inactivity must elapse before the timeout is triggered and the
screen is blanked. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit
number of minutes from 01 to 99, or use the up- and down-arrow keys to
increment and decrement the current value by 1 respectively. The default
setting is 05. If the logoff timeout is set to “Off,” the number in this field will
have no effect.
Allow Blank Password: Determines whether a user can specify a blank
password (that is, delete any existing password and have no password at all).
(Newly created users will always start with no password, regardless.) Use the up-
and down-arrow keys to toggle between “Yes” (users may delete their existing
passwords) and “No” (the default setting; starting with the first time they
change their password, users must always have a non-blank password).
Active - Jason
Off - Jason