
Modem 34336
H — Telephone Switch Hook. The H command (on-hook) is used to
terminate a call. (On-hook corresponds to off-line.) H may also alternate
between voice and data transmission during the same call (if your
communication software supports this capability).
The H1 command (off-hook) activates the telephone line relay, causing
a dial tone to be sent after a 2-second delay. For most purposes the
command is not necessary, since the switch hook is automatically
activated when the Modem originates or answers a call.
L — Link. The L dial modifier is used to link one phone number to
another. One number can be an alternate number to be dialed if a
connection is not made to the primary number. The L parameter must
be used after a phone number, and before a carriage return or period.
A number is used after L to specify the memory address (0-9) containing
the number to be linked to the first number. See the command below.
AT D 555-1212 L5
L may also be used in V.25 bis mode with the CRN command (instead of
AT D), in both Dumb mode and 208 operation. In Dumb mode or 208
operation, L is stored via the PHONE screen. In all cases, L is used in
the same way and has the same function as described above (except that
AT D is not used).
Two or more addresses may be linked in a cyclic fashion to alternate
dialing until a connection is established:
Contents of cell 0: 555-1212 L1
Contents of cell 1: 444-1234 L2
Contents of cell 2: 888-5555 L0
With the cells loaded as shown above, if the command AT DS=0 is issued,
the autodialer goes to cell 0 and dials the number stored there. If unable
to connect, the L1 command stored in cell 0 directs the autodialer to dial
the number in cell 1. The L2 stored in cell 1 directs the autodialer to cell
2 (assuming a connection cannot be made), and the L0 command stored
in cell 2 directs the autodialer back to cell 0. The numbers are dialed in
a loop until a connection is established or until 10 calls are attempted.