
Authentication / Privacy: Congures the Authentication and Privacy features
for SNMPv3 communication. The Authentication / Privacy parameter offers
two options, which function as follows:
1. Auth/noPriv: An SNMPv3 username and password will be required at log
in, but encryption will not be used. (Default Setting.)
2. Auth/Priv: An SNMPv3 username and password will be required at log in,
and all messages will be sent using encryption.
• The Authentication / Privacy item is not available when the
Version parameter is set to V1/V2.
• If the Version Parameter is set to V1/V2/V3 (all) and Authentication
/ Privacy parameter is set to "Auth/Priv", then only V3 data will be
• The Outlet Managed PDU supports DES encryption, but does not
currently support the AES protocol.
• The Outlet Managed PDU does not support "noAuth/noPriv" for
SNMPv3 communication.
SNMPv3 User Name: Sets the User Name for SNMPv3. Note that this option
is not available when the Version parameter is set to V1/V2.
(Default = undened.)
SNMPv3 Password: Sets the password for SNMPv3. Note that this option
is not available when the Version parameter is set to V1/V2. (Default =
SNMPv3 Password Conrm: This prompt is used to conrm the SNMPv3
password that was entered at the prompt above. Note that this option is not
available when the Version parameter is set to V1/V2. (Default = undened.)
Authentication Protocol: This parameter determines which authentication
protocol will be used. The Outlet Managed PDU supports both MD5 and SHA1
authentication. (Default = MD5.)
• The Authentication Protocol that is selected for the Outlet
Managed PDU must match the protocol that your SNMP client will
use when querying the Outlet Managed PDU.
• The Authentication Protocol option is not available when the
Version parameter is set to V1/V2