blank character: A character that is not displayed but occupies a position on the
display screen.
buffer: An area in the memory that holds data temporarily.
cache memory: RAM (random access memory) set aside to store the most
frequently accessed information stored in RAM.
character: A letter of the alphabet, a number, punctuation mark, or any other
symbol that represents information.
character set: A set of alphabetic, numeric, and special characters that may be
displayed or printed by a system unit or device.
code page: Set of coded characters often displayed as an array or code table.
column separator: A vertical line used to separate one field from another.
command: An instruction that directs the system to perform a particular operation.
command keys: The keys on the top row(s) of the keyboard that are used to
request a pre-assigned function of the system.
command pass-through: This feature gives you access to all of a printer’s built-in
features, even if these features are not normally available through the host
software. Printer-specific command sequences are placed into the data sent to the
printer from the host. The display station recognizes these sequences and “passes
the command through” to the printer.
configuration: Software setup of a computer program or system.
connector: A plug connected to a cable that fastens to a port of a device.
controller: A device used to coordinate and control the operation of one or more
devices with a remote host system.
COR (Computer Output Reduction): Rotates data-processing reports to landscape
orientation and then compresses the text to fit pages measuring 198 columns by 66
cpi: Characters per inch.
CTS (Clear to Send): The attached DTE may begin transmitting.
cursor: A character which indicates the position that data entry will occur.