
If you have tried all of the above solutions and the emulator is still not
active, press the DOS Enter key. This will cause a red error code to appear
in the bottom left corner of the display. Refer to the error code chart in
Table 9-1 for cause and solution.
Table 9-1. Error Codes.
SRC Description Possible Causes(s)
0040 It has been at least thirty seconds a. The modem is not powered on.
since any valid SDLC frame has b. The telephone connection
been received for any address, and between the modems/DCEs is
it has also been at least 30 seconds down.
since the DSR signal has been c. The modem cable is bad or is
present on the cable from the not corrected properly.
modem/DCE. d. The Controller is connected to
This code indicates conditions a modem/DCE with a null-
that would normally result in either modem (cross-pinned) cable, or
error code 0055 or error code 0056, is directly connected to the host
but gives the additional information with straight-through-pinned
that DSR is not present. cable.
e. Modems are configured
0049 Software has detected that the The MPIC is defective or not
MPIC (host-communications card) installed correctly. The software
has functioned in an invalid did not get the interrupt from the
manner. card, there is an I/O problem, or
the board is bad.