
The system operator will specify a default font ID when configuring the
3812 address on the host system. The default font ID should be the most
commonly used typestyle. The system operator should select one of the
typestyle numbers from the Typestyle Reference Chart in Appendix C
with an asterisk (*) indicating the default font ID, then change it in the
document, as necessary.
8.2.1 D
To change font IDs for a data-processing report, add the font number to
the CL or OCL printer statement (for the System/36, convert the font
number to hexadecimal before adding it to the printer statement). Only
the font IDs marked with an asterisk (*) in the Typestyle Reference Chart
in Appendix C can be used in host-printer statements.
The 3812’s COR feature rotates data-processing reports to landscape
orientation and compresses the text to fit 198 columns x 66 lines on the
page. The steps below describe printing using the COR feature. Refer to
Figure 8-1 on page 66.
1. If a Set Text Orientation (STO) command is specified, the report
prints using the STO command to control orientation in the specified
font. If an STO command is not specified, the report continues to
block 2.
2. If APO is enabled (see Section 6.3.3), the report continues to block 3.
With APO disabled, the report continues to block 4.
3. At block 3, the page size is calculated. If the page size is valid
(8 1/2" x 14" or smaller) the report continues to block 6; the report
prints at block 6 depending upon the page layout. An invalid page size
(larger than 8 1/2" x 14") causes the report to continue to block 4.
4. At block 4, the orientation selected in the configuration program
determines the output. If landscape is selected, the report prints in
landscape using the specified font. If portrait is selected, the report
prints in portrait using the specified font.
5. A COR override from the host determines the report orientation.
Host COR overrides include:
System/36 OCL: Text-Yes or Rotate-0
System/38 CL: PRT QLTY (*STD) or (*NLQ), or PGRTT(0)
AS/400: PRT QLTY (*STD) or (*NLQ) and PAGRTT (*COR)