4.3 Switch Command/Menu Conventions
When invoking Dual-Port Network Power Switch commands and selecting items
from configuration menus, note the following:
• All Dual-Port Network Power Switch commands can be invoked at the TPS>
command prompt, or from the General Parameters menu, Port Parameters
menus, or Network Parameters menu.
• Dual-Port Network Power Switch commands are not case sensitive. All Dual-
Port Network Power Switch commands are invoked by pressing [Enter].
• To select an item from a Dual-Port Network Power Switch menu, key in the
number for the item and press [Enter]. To exit from a menu, press [Esc] at any
time. Parameters defined up to that point will be saved.
• To display the Help Screen, type /H [Enter].
• The ,Y option can temporarily suppress the “Sure?” confirmation prompt.
The ,Y option is entered at the end of the command line, immediately
following the command or argument. For example, to reset the network port
without displaying the “Sure?” prompt, type /T,Y [Enter]. To switch off Plug 2
without the “Sure?” prompt, type /OFF 2,Y [Enter].
4.4 Defining General Parameters
When the “TPS>” prompt appears, type /G [Enter] to display the General
Parameters menu (Figure 4-3). Note that this menu is not available in User mode.
Figure 4-3. General Parameters menu (System mode only).
1. System Password: (undefined)
2. Site ID: (undefined)
3. Modem Init. String: ATE0M0Q1&C1&D2S0=1
4. Modem Disc. String: (undefined)
5. Baud Rate: 9600,N,8,1
6. Command Echo: Off
7. Disconnect Timeout: 2 Min
8. Command Confirmation: On
9. Automated Mode: On
10. Button Mode: On
A. Default Parameters
Enter Selection or <ESC> to Exit…