
D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 6.0 GV2AUX EN | 135
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
If events are to be routed to an SDI Path but not to an
IP Address, allow the setting for Path # IP Add# to
remain at 0. Path # Poll Rate, Path # Ack Wait, and
Path # Retry Count must be programmed.
6.5 Programming Path Numbers and
IP Addresses for Enhanced
Enhanced communications is the ability to
communicate by some means other than the
standard digital dialer. In this section, programmable
parameters allow you to define up to four separate
enhanced communication paths to which events can
be routed. To route an event (such as an Alarm or
Trouble) to an enhanced communication path,
additional programming must also be completed in
Path # IP Add1
Default: 0
Selection: 0 to 255
Enter the first three digits of the IP
address. Leading zeros are not
0 to 255
2.3 Routing on page 15 and Section 2.4
Enhanced Routing on page 24.
If using IP Addresses as the
communication means for UL 864
Enhanced Comm
Commercial Fire applications, set Path
# IP Add 1 through 4 as necessary.
Default: No
Path # IP Add 1 and the next three items determine
the IP addresses for each of the four enhanced
communication paths available when using the
Selection: Yes or No
Enable enhanced communications
over the SDI bus.
Do not enable enhanced
communications over the SDI bus.
An IP address has four fields. Each field has a range
of 0 to 255. For example, an IP address is expressed
as The D5200 programmer splits the
IP address into four programmable fields (refer to
If using IP Addresses as the
communication means for UL 864
Commercial Fire applications, set this
parameter to Yes.
Figure 10). Contact your network administrator to
obtain the appropriate IP Address to contact a central
station receiver.
Determines if the control panel allows enhanced
communications over the SDI bus.
Figure 10: Path # IP Add1 to Add4
Path # IP Add1
Path # IP Add2
Path # IP Add3
Path # IP Add4
Modem Format must be set to Yes
when using enhanced communications.
Enable Ext Modem must be set to No
if enhanced communications are used.
Enhanced Comm must be set to No if
an external modem is used.
To disable Enhanced Routing completely
over an SDI path, RG#Primary SDI,
Path # IP Add2
RG#Backup SDI, and Enhanced Comm
prompts must all be set to No.
Default: 0
Events can be routed to as many as four available
enhanced communication paths through the SDI bus.
If an event (or group of events) is routed to an SDI
path, the number entered in Primary Device
determines which SDI path is used (provided that
RG# Prim, Primary SDI was set to Yes in Routing).
Selection: 0 to 255
Refer to Path 1 IP Add1.
Path # IP Add3
Default: 0
If events are to be routed to an IP address (in a
private LAN or WAN application), determine which
path is used (Path 1 to Path 4), and enter the
appropriate IP Address for that path (refer to Path #
IP Add1 to Path # IP Add4).
Selection: 0 to 255
Refer to Path 1 IP Add1.