D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 6.0 GV2AUX EN | 137
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
When the control panel first powers up, the first Heartbeat Poll for Path 1 is sent and is acknowledged in 1 sec.
120 sec after the first Heartbeat Poll is sent, the second Heartbeat Poll for Path 1 is generated and sent to the
central station receiver.
Figure 11: Poll Rate Timeline
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
1 - Control panel powered up
6 - No acknowledgment, Heartbeat re-sent, retry
2 - Heartbeat Poll sent
7 - Path declared failed
3 - Acknowledgment received
8 - 10-sec interval
4 - Second Heartbeat Poll sent
9 - Additional Heartbeats sent every 10 sec until
5 - No acknowledgment, Heartbeat re-sent, retry #1
Example of Retry Count:
An acknowledgment of the heartbeat was not
received within 10 sec. The control panel sends the
next Heartbeat Poll after the first 10-sec ACK wait
period expires. If the central station does not
acknowledge this Heartbeat Poll, the control panel
continues to re-send. When the resend count is
reached, the control panel declares this path as failed
(and generates the Comm Fail ## Event). The control
panel continues to re-send the Heartbeat Poll every
10 sec until it receives an acknowledgment, even
after declaring a Comm Fail.
When the control panel receives acknowledgment
from the central station, the control panel returns to
the normal Poll Rate (which, in this example, is 120
If more than one SDI Path is used, the control panel
handles them on a successive basis. For example, if
acknowledgment from SDI Path 1 is not received
within 10 sec (using the previous example), the
control panel moves to SDI Path 2 to send its
Heartbeat Poll (and subsequently waits for the ack)
before returning to SDI Path 1 to re-send its
If Heartbeat Polls are enabled to send by
an SDI path, and the Path # Ack Wait
time is exceeded, a COMM TRBL SDI ##
event occurs. When this condition occurs,
all events routed to this path go
immediately to the backup path
Entries are made in one-sec increments.
Although RPS and the D5200 allow Path
# Poll Rate values of 1 to 4, the control
panel interprets these entries as an entry
of 5.
5 min = 300 sec
1 hour = 3600 sec
12 hours = 43,200 sec
18 hours = 64,800 sec
Path # Ack Wait
Default: 13
Selection: 0, 5 sec to 65535 sec
The control panel does not look for
any acknowledgment from the
central station.
The control panel waits this amount
of time to receive an
acknowledgment from the central
5 to 65535
Determines how long the control panel waits for an
acknowledgment from the central station after a
Heartbeat Poll or an actual event was transmitted.
This prompt is applicable to SDI transmitted events
and Heartbeat Polls. Entries are made in one-sec
If using IP Addresses as the
communication means for UL 864
Commercial Fire applications, this
parameter cannot be zero (0).