D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 GV2MAIN EN | 34
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
RPS Call Back
Program this item No if it causes false
seizures of the phone line or if you do
Default: No
not use RPS. This indicates that a
device using the same frequency tone is
Yes or No
also using the phone line to which the
Yes When the control panel hears the
correct RPS passcode, it hangs up
the phone, seizes the phone line,
then dials the programmed RPS
phone number (refer to the RPS Ph
prompt on page
35). This ensures
that the control panel only
communicates with RPS units
connected to the programmed phone
If the call is answered manually, the
call back must be initiated manually.
control panel is connected.
If RPS Call Back is programmed Yes,
the control panel hangs up the phone
after the RPS tone and a proper RPS
passcode is identified. It then calls the
RPS phone number.
Answer Armed
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
1 to 15, or Blank
No The RPS session starts immediately.
No call back is required. The control
panel can engage in RPS sessions
when called from any phone number
and a proper RPS passcode is
Blank No answer.
1 to 15 The control panel answers the phone
after the specified number of rings
when all areas are master armed.
Set the telephone ring counter to answer when all
areas are master armed. If any area in the control
panel is perimeter armed or disarmed, the Answer
Disarmed ring counter is used.
This function allows the control panel, after it verifies
the RPS passcode, to provide an additional level of
security by hanging up and dialing the RPS phone
number at the central station before allowing any
upload or download.
The remote programming software
(RPS) considers perimeter armed as a
disarmed state.
When using the RPS Call Back feature,
be sure to program the character āCā as
the last digit in the RPS phone number
when using DTMF Dialing.
Answer Disarmed
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
1 to 15, or Blank
RPS Line Monitor
Blank No answer.
Default: Yes
1 to 15 The control panel answers the
phone after the specified number of
rings when any area in the system is
in a perimeter armed or disarmed
Yes or No
Yes Allows the control panel to
communicate with RPS after the
answering machine answers the
Set telephone ring counter to answer when any area
is in a perimeter armed or disarmed state.
No Use No if the control panel does not
share the phone line with an
answering machine.
The RPS considers perimeter armed as
a disarmed state.
This program item enables a control panel that
shares a phone line with an answering machine to
communicate with RPS at the central station, even
though the answering machine answers the phone.
You must program Answer Armed or Answer
Disarmed. The control panel must be in the correct
armed state.