ICP-CC488 | Installation Guide | 16.0 Programmable Outputs EN | 73
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
1,7 Sensor Watch Alarm
This output operates when the Sensor Watch Count
is reached. Refer to Section 14.3.5 Zone Options 1 on
page 61 for more information on programming zones
for sensor watch. Refer to Section 15.5 Zone Status –
Sensor Watch Reports on page 78 for setting the
number of days before a zone registers as a faulty
sensor watch zone.
1,8 Codepad Medical Alarm
This output operates when a user activates a
Codepad Medical Alarm by pressing [7] and [9] at
the same time on the remote codepad. This output is
reset when a valid User Code is entered at the
remote codepad.
1,9 Codepad Fire Alarm
This output operates when a user activates a
Codepad Medical Alarm by pressing [4] and [6] at
the same time on the remote codepad. This output is
reset when a valid User Code is entered at the
remote codepad.
1,10 Codepad Panic Alarm
This output operates when a user activates a
Codepad Panic Alarm (audible or silent) by pressing
either [1] and [3] or [STAY] and [AWAY] at the
same time on the remote codepad. This output is
reset when a valid User Code is entered at the
remote codepad.
1,11 Codepad Duress Alarm
This output operates when a user activates a Duress
Alarm by adding a 9 to the end of the User Code
used to disarm the system. This output is reset the
next time the system is armed.
1,12 Codepad Tamper – Access Denied
This output operates when the wrong code is entered
more times than allowed. The number of incorrect
attempts allowed is programmed in Location 424
(refer to Section 15.26 System Status – Access Denied on
page 69). This output is reset when a valid User Code
is entered.
1,13 Speaker Beeps
This output functions during all remote radio or
keyswitch operations, which allows you to install a 12
VDC buzzer or light as a status indicator. The
identification beeps are defined in Table 55.
Table 55: Horn Speaker Beeps
No of Beeps System Status
1 System disarmed
2 System armed in AWAY Mode
3 System armed in STAY Mode 1
1,14 Horn Speaker (Output 1 Only)
This output operates only on Output 1. Use this
output for one or two 8 Ω horn speakers. Refer to
Section 17.9 Siren Run Time and Section 17.10 Siren
Sound Rate to program the speaker.
To enable monitoring of the horn speaker, select
Option 2 in Location 492 (refer to Section 18.1 System
Options 1 on page 80).
1,15 Sirens Running
This output operates for the duration of the Siren
Run Time programmed in Location 479 (refer to
Section 17.9 Siren Run Time). When the sirens are
activated, this output is reset when the Siren Run
Time expires. The relay output (Output 4) is set by
default for this operation.
2,0 Strobe Operating
This output operates when an alarm occurs and is
reset when a valid User Code is entered. The strobe
output (Output 3) is set by default for strobe
operation and is programmed to reset automatically
after 8 hours.
2,1 Silent Alarm
This output operates when any zone programmed to
be silent activates. The output is reset when the Siren
Run Time expires, an audible alarm is activated, or a
valid User Code is entered.
2,2 Alarm When in STAY Mode
This output operates when an audible or silent alarm
zone is activated when the system is armed in STAY
Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2. The output is reset when
the system is disarmed.
2,3 Alarm When in AWAY Mode
This output operates when an audible or silent zone
alarm is activated when the system is armed in
AWAY Mode. The output is reset when the system is
2,4 Mimic System Fault
This output operates without time delays when any
system fault occurs, including an AC MAINS supply
failure. The output is reset when the system fault or
the AC MAINS supply is restored.
2,5 Fire Alarm Resetting
This output operates when a 24-Hour Fire Zone is
activated. The output is reset when a valid User
Code is entered or when Siren Run Time expires.
2,6 Fire Alarm Latching
This output operates when a 24-Hour Fire Zone is
activated and is reset when the system is armed or