Chapter 7 Troubleshooting 99
Problem Cause Solution
Printer suspends print If the Data indicator If you have been printing
after every line is printed blinks while the printer for awhile, the print head
is suspended, then the may have become too hot.
printer is slowing its print In this case, the printer
speed at the end of each automatically goes into
line to protect the print protection mode and slows
head. The print head may down in order to cool the
have become too hot. print head. You can stop
your print operation and
wait several minutes to allow
the printer to cool. Then start
your print operation again.
Overall printing is slow Smoothing mode may be Disable Smoothing mode.
from MS-DOS enabled.
High quality mode may Try turning off HQ mode via
be enabled. the operator panel.
The print head may have If you have been printing
become too hot. for awhile, the print head
may have become too hot.
In this case, the printer
automatically goes into
protection mode and slows
down in order to cool the
print head. You can stop
your print operation and
wait several minutes to allow
the printer to cool. Then start
your print operation again.
Overall printing is slow The Print Manager may Make sure the Print Manager
from Windows be turned on. is turned off.
Print options may be too In the Windows driver or
complex. your software application,
set all print options to their
defaults, such as: Plain
Paper, Black and White
mode, High Quality, Pattern
See Ways to Improve Print
Speed in Windows on page 57
for complete details.