158 Glossary
A temporary storage area in the printer’s memory where data for output is
held until it can be processed. See also Download buffer.
Canon extended mode
Canon’s unique printer control mode used by specific application software
to print on the printer.
An interface standard for parallel data transmission. The interface on this
printer is a Centronics-type parallel interface.
Character set
A complete collection of the characters and symbols that constitute all the
elements of a language or discipline (mathematics, for example), including
punctuation and numbers, with a one-to-one correspondence to the ASCII
codes 00-7F (hexadecimal). The printer uses these characters to determine
its printing and nonprinting activities after it receives data from the host
Code page
A set of 256 graphic designs (characters) associated with unique code
values from 0 through 255. Code Page 437 is USA and Code Page 850 is
Commercial number 10 (COM10)
A common letter-size of business envelope (9.5 x 4.1 inches) in the United
A text print mode that produces a reduced character size (approximately
60% of the width of the original pitch). The printer can produce condensed
text (17 cpi) for 10 cpi and condensed text (20 cpi) for 12 cpi.
Control code
Special data that invokes nonprinting functions of the printer, such as line
feed or carriage return. In the ASCII chart, control codes are represented by
decimal numbers 0-31, 127, 128, 159, and 255.
One of the fonts resident in this printer. Courier can be printed either fixed-
space or proportionally spaced.
Characters per inch. A unit of measurement relevant to a fixed-space font.
Because all characters have the same width, you can calculate the number
of characters printed per inch.